Be Restored in Jesus.
Overwhelmed? Tired? Stressed? Join us as we journey from a restless world to the restoring way of Jesus. New Here?Worship OnlineSunday Worship Times
Traditional 8:15 AM |Education Hour 9:30AM |Contemporary 10:30 AM
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Welcome to St Matthew Grand Rapids
We are connecting a restless world to the restoring way of Jesus and we’d love to show you the joy and life that comes from knowing and following Jesus!
Life is a journey that we are walking together. We strive for each person in our church to become engaged in relational community, become whole through Christ’s love and care, become transformed in Christ’s image, and become selfless servants for God’s glory.
Worship Services
Join us In-Person or Online!
8:15 AM Traditional Worship | 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship