
Being a disciple isn’t just for an hour a week on Sundays – it’s something we do every day! Join the team from St Matthew in Grand Rapids as we talk about being an everyday disciple, following Jesus wherever we are!

Season 1

All Episodes

For our last episode of season 3, we’re sharing what we’re thankful for! We sat down with the staff from St Matthew and asked them what they’re thankful for and what they’ve learned about gratitude. Have a great Thanksgiving and we’ll be back with season 4 in the new year! If you have a suggestion...
This week, we look at how to use the book of Psalms in your prayers and devotions. It’s a book of prayers and songs from Israel’s worship life and it’s quite different than a lot of other books from the Bible. We’ll talk about how we use the Psalms and how you can too! If...
This week, we look at how to use the book of Psalms in your prayers and devotions. It’s a book of prayers and songs from Israel’s worship life and it’s quite different than a lot of other books from the Bible. We’ll talk about how we use the Psalms and how you can too! If...
As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s a time when we often reflect on the blessings that we have and how God has provided. And then we follow it with Christmas where we make our lists and buy all the things! As everyday disciples, how do we cultivate a life of contentment all year round and focus...
Today on Everyday Disciples, we talk about what it means to parent with grace. Rather than being helicopter parents (who hover around and make sure everything goes right) or snowplow parents (who bulldoze every obstacle out of the way), how can we be parents who help their kids through difficult times rather than trying to...
Today on Everyday Disciples, we talk first about the New Age Spirituality — which isn’t all that new anymore but pops up again and again in our world today. Then in part two, we talk about Spiritual Warfare. What is it and how should Christians think about it? We’ll dive into that and more! Have...
In today’s episode, we talk about getting to work! How should Christians think about their work and their faith? Is work the only way that we can serve God? We’ll dive into the idea of “vocation” and see how freeing it can be! Then, in the second part, we talk about what it means to...
This week on Everyday Disciples, we talk about building real, authentic community. We’re in a world that’s all about the artificial and crafting an image for yourself but deep down we crave real connections with people. We’ll talk about some ways we can build that community. Then, we look at Christian relationships with those outside...
Today on Everyday Disciples, we take a look at another worldview that’s common in our world today: secular humanism. What happens when we remove God from the equation and try to make sense of the world around us without Him? You end up with secular humanism! In the second part, we continue our walk through...
This week on Everyday Disciples, we take a look at a practice that doesn’t get a lot of attention these days: fasting. Jesus talked about fasting as a way of trusting in God and it’s a practice that many followers of Jesus have found to be beneficial to their walk. We’ll explore the practice and...