
Up, Down, All Around

Updating The Office Wing and Narthex

In 2022, we brought new life to the Commons and Fellowship Room through the Renew & Refresh Campaign. It was a resounding success and the difference that it has made to those heavily used spaces was huge! We continually hear from guests about how great the spaces are – especially if they remember what they looked like before!

Now, we’re turning our attention to another heavily-used and overlooked part of the building: the offices.

Up: The Roof

This part of the building has been plagued for decades with leaks. Stained ceiling tiles and buckets to catch drips have been common decorations in the winter. This year, leadership approved re-roofing the office wing and Fellowship Hall. The first week of November, the roof project was completed thanks to money from our “rainy day” find, which now needs to be replenished. 

Down: Flooring

The flooring in the office wing is very old and in need of replacing. This part of the building gets lots of visitors throughout the week meeting with staff and for various meetings and events during the week. This floor will be replaced with carpet to update the look. 

The Narthex flooring, immediately outside the Sanctuary, will also be replaced. The old tile from when this was the main entrance (before the addition of the Commons and Family Life Center in 2013) will be removed along with the carpet up to the Sanctuary doors. This will be replaced with the same flooring in the Fellowship Hall to tie the spaces together. 

All Around: The Offices 

The whole office wing will be updated with new paint keeping with the style that we started with the Commons and Fellowship Hall renovations. That color pallet will bring new life to our staff’s workspaces. New furniture replace our worn out, mismatched, hand-me-down office furniture. We plan to replace the furniture in our main office and the two pastor offices. Depending on how much we raise, we’d like to replace the furniture in all our staff offices – they all need it! 

How you can respond

Thank you for considering your involvement in the Up, Down, All Around Campaign. You can make a pledge toward the project or make a donation

  • Total Fundraising Progress 43% 43%
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